“I’ve turned into who I always wanted to be”

“5 months ago, I was a different person. I was 10lbs heavier, made way too many excuses, spent $30 in iced coffees a day, and lacked a clear vision for the near future… I was dormant – in both my personal and my professional lives. I was a shell on auto-pilot. 

Since working with Jenn, I’ve dropped those stubborn 10lbs – but that’s the smallest accomplishment. I’ve quite literally changed my identity and that’s essential to building lasting habits. I’m no longer the girl that “runs on Dunkin’.” I’ve turned into who I’ve always wanted to be:

  • the woman who needs to get a workout in, even on vacation

  • the woman who eats responsibly and enjoys one coffee a day (my wallet and my gut love that one!)

  • the woman who finds the time to pursue her life passions (I’ve spent the last 5 years only thinking about starting a non-profit, and since working with Jenn have finally started taking REAL steps toward it!)

  • the woman who has BOUNDARIES and is BALANCED 

Jenn pushes me to thrive. She helps me break down large goals into smaller realistic tasks that I can handle while keeping the bigger picture in mind. She’s flexible and gentle and each session with her I gain valuable tools to use in all areas of my life – from nutrition and fitness to my career and relationships. 

Jenn is my biggest cheerleader and I’m hers! I’m so grateful for our sessions and recommend her to anyone who wants to become the best version of themselves!

— Ashley - NJ

“Health & wellness is empowering, not punishment”

“When I started my Jenn Spry Health journey I wasn't sure what to expect. For me, the health and wellness world can feel intimidating at times. My worries were quickly put to rest by Jenn's humble and down to earth approach to nutrition, fitness and wellness. She is not only well versed and knowledgeable in this field, but what stood out most to me was how personable, honest and relatable she is. Along with teaching me many tips, tricks, recipes and practices to enhance my diet and routine she also taught me that health and wellness is EMPOWERING, not punishment! Through our time together I learned to celebrate my wins (big and small) and stop sweating the minutia or the off days. With Jenn's help I have gotten to a place where I feel so confident in my skin and proud of what my body does for me and what I do for it in return. I now build my routines and practices with self love in mind instead of negativity. For that, I am most thankful!”

— Brianna - Brooklyn, NY

“I now have the capacity to be healthy in every way.” 

    Several months ago I started working with Jenn to set and achieve goals for my health and fitness. At the time I considered myself in decent shape and told Jenn that I was primarily concerned with a better sense of well-being. Over the past few months, Jenn has consistently advised me in ways to train and monitor that training so that I could achieve and more importantly identify my actual goals, health and happiness. 

    For years I had considered my diet and exercise as just a means to achieve an aesthetic level of fitness and I had neglected what is truly important, my overall health. Through her enthusiastic and realistic coaching methods, Jenn taught me about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet filled with more green vegetables, less artificial sources of protein, water intake and realistic approaches to make that diet consistent. Jenn has a very down to earth approach in terms of communication and encouragement. She recognizes that everybody has the capacity to be healthy in body and mind but all too often they are held back by unrealistic and unattainable goals.

     One aspect of wellness that I never considered was mindfulness. Jenn has taught me about the importance of meditation and how incorporating different exercises into my routine can help maintain a happy, calm and centered sense of well-being. She’s encouraging me to practice yoga. And even though I have not followed through in the way that I told her that I wanted to. Every time we connect to discuss my progress it’s always totally encouraging. Through her coaching and example Jenn has made it clear that I will practice yoga if I want and if I don’t, it’s ok. It’s my journey and as long as I strive for progress and live with gratitude and appreciation for the goals that I achieve and the goals that I don’t, it’s all beneficial. 

     From a physical perspective Jenn helped me recognize that I could focus less on training that was based on numbers on weights and more on achieving flexibility and overall strength that was appropriate for my age and body type. She helped me to appreciate the value of walking while conducting my day-to-day and being outdoors as a moving meditation to strengthen the mind.  

Through our time together, she has helped me to recognize the progress that I’m making and hasn’t made me feel ashamed of the goals that I did not reach. In fact, her enthusiasm somehow makes me feel good about the goals that I haven’t achieved and motivates me to continue to try.  She has an ability to make participating in fitness training seem like a gift rather than a burden. For too long I felt guilty about the days that I didn’t go to the gym rather than feel good about the days that I did. Jenn changed that. 

    I highly recommend Jenn to anyone that wants more than looking good in pictures or fitting into old outfits, although those might be the residual effects of working with her.  The truth of the matter is she has open my eyes to the fact that the real joy comes in the work itself. I told her when we first started that my primary goal was happiness and I can emphatically tell you that she has helped me find it in recognizing that I now have the capacity to be healthy in every way. It was all available and attainable, I just needed the right coach!

— Mike - Boston, MA